Hi All
I currently have an HP Microserver (N40L) and i noticed the fan being a bit noisy the other day. It probably needs a cleanout as it runs 24/4. That got me thinking about making it fanless, or building something that is (i love a PC build)... then i put that aside for a while to consider what i'm running on it.
I'm running Freenas 8.3.1. I didnt update it further than that because i currently use UFS. any later than that and i was forced to switch to ZFS, and to me, it didnt seem worth the effort, and the need for loads of RAM.
I must have thought about it at some point because ive got 8GB Ram in the server.
The main reason everyone was going on about ZFS at the time was drive pooling. unless i have misunderstood (which is highly possible), this is was having one big drive space that all the drives make up? i avoided this, because i have a bunch of external HDDs that i use to back up the data from the server. so i just copy drives to drives and all is well. If i have a drive "pool" wouldnt i need a backup "pool" also?
its used for media storage and file storage. For media, i use Kodi, libreelec at the moment i think. Kodi can have many paths for movies and TV etc, so it works fine with media spread across multiple drives.
Freenas 8 has been rock solid and works like a charm. The only things i'd like is to have the drives spin down when not in use (i'm not sure if they do this at the moment or not) i'd quite like to run a plex media server, but i had one running on a nuc before, so i could access media when i was away. I didnt use it often, so its not essential.
i'm not good with the Linux stuff, but i can follow a guide if its detailed enough. Like the current system, i want to set it up and leave it.
The current system has the OS running off a usb stick, and 5x HDDs, 4 in the trays and one in the slot at the top.
Ive seen Freenas, truenas, open media vault etc, does one of these stand out as the obvious choice for me? if i start again from scratch, which file system should i be using?
I currently have an HP Microserver (N40L) and i noticed the fan being a bit noisy the other day. It probably needs a cleanout as it runs 24/4. That got me thinking about making it fanless, or building something that is (i love a PC build)... then i put that aside for a while to consider what i'm running on it.
I'm running Freenas 8.3.1. I didnt update it further than that because i currently use UFS. any later than that and i was forced to switch to ZFS, and to me, it didnt seem worth the effort, and the need for loads of RAM.
I must have thought about it at some point because ive got 8GB Ram in the server.
The main reason everyone was going on about ZFS at the time was drive pooling. unless i have misunderstood (which is highly possible), this is was having one big drive space that all the drives make up? i avoided this, because i have a bunch of external HDDs that i use to back up the data from the server. so i just copy drives to drives and all is well. If i have a drive "pool" wouldnt i need a backup "pool" also?
its used for media storage and file storage. For media, i use Kodi, libreelec at the moment i think. Kodi can have many paths for movies and TV etc, so it works fine with media spread across multiple drives.
Freenas 8 has been rock solid and works like a charm. The only things i'd like is to have the drives spin down when not in use (i'm not sure if they do this at the moment or not) i'd quite like to run a plex media server, but i had one running on a nuc before, so i could access media when i was away. I didnt use it often, so its not essential.
i'm not good with the Linux stuff, but i can follow a guide if its detailed enough. Like the current system, i want to set it up and leave it.
The current system has the OS running off a usb stick, and 5x HDDs, 4 in the trays and one in the slot at the top.
Ive seen Freenas, truenas, open media vault etc, does one of these stand out as the obvious choice for me? if i start again from scratch, which file system should i be using?