Indulge me a few minutes if you will.
I was a bit bored over the weekend, so I decided to do a bit of tinkering.
I've got an old netbook that I just don't really use anymore, and a friend mentioned he was thinking of setting his up as a NAS. My current Synology DS109 is getting slower and slower with the applications I use on it (SABnzbd and Sickbeard), and when I'm trying to stream music it sometimes just starts stuttering - which is highly annoying.
The netbook seemed like a good choice for a low powered machine that could take some of the strain off my DS, so I figured I might have a play around too and see how difficult it was.
I've spent the last three days messing around with Freenas and Nas4free (both based on FreeBSD I believe) to see which one I preferred. I even installed Mint .... just for the hell of it .
I settled on Nas4free as Freenas really seemed to want a machine that had a whole lot more RAM.
After trial and error on the various setup types, I've managed to get the system up and running on a full install (the embedded install was just too slow with the USB sticks I've got loafing around - and I'm not that patient ).
-- Ensue many hours of Googling as I have very little technical knowledge of Linux --
The basic configuration.
Nas4free installed
Disk installed and mount point created as volume1
Two user accounts created - Infi and HTPC
Two user groups created - sabnzbd and recordings
Two shared folders created - Recordings and Public
After much trial and error and finding the right guides on t'internet, I now have SAB and Sick Beard fully functioning.
The problem I'm having is setting permissions on these shares. I originally created them by SSH'ing into the netbook as root and mkdir /mnt/volume1/recordings etc. The owner is therefore root and the group is wheel (administrators).
I don't really need to change the permissions for Infi, but I'd like to set the Recordings share so that only the admins and users of the recordings group can access the Recordings share.
If I make Infi and HTPC members of the wheel group, I can access the netbook and shares fine, but if I take them out, I can't even see the shares from Windows.
I've spent another 1/2 day Googling around trying to find out how to set these permissions up correctly so that everyone isn't a member of the wheel group (as that kind of defeats the purpose of permissions in the first place), but all I seem to come across is people on the Nas4free forums (and other places) linking from one discussion to another to another to another and never really answering the question (well not for me anyway), or people talking in extremely stilted English so that it just really hurts my head to read.
So I thought I'd take a punt and ask here and see if anyone can point me in the right direction, as I'm sure that in the future I'll want to create more shares on there and it'd be nice to have a basic understanding of how to configure shares/permissions on the netbook without having to spend hours trawling the internet. That, and I do occasionally like to learn new things.
I'm sure it's all very simple when you know how, but I've come from many years using Windows, and even though I have dabbled with the commandline in my Administrator days, it was never really necessary for setting up Windows shares - it was just a right-click away.
I was a bit bored over the weekend, so I decided to do a bit of tinkering.
I've got an old netbook that I just don't really use anymore, and a friend mentioned he was thinking of setting his up as a NAS. My current Synology DS109 is getting slower and slower with the applications I use on it (SABnzbd and Sickbeard), and when I'm trying to stream music it sometimes just starts stuttering - which is highly annoying.
The netbook seemed like a good choice for a low powered machine that could take some of the strain off my DS, so I figured I might have a play around too and see how difficult it was.
I've spent the last three days messing around with Freenas and Nas4free (both based on FreeBSD I believe) to see which one I preferred. I even installed Mint .... just for the hell of it .
I settled on Nas4free as Freenas really seemed to want a machine that had a whole lot more RAM.
After trial and error on the various setup types, I've managed to get the system up and running on a full install (the embedded install was just too slow with the USB sticks I've got loafing around - and I'm not that patient ).
-- Ensue many hours of Googling as I have very little technical knowledge of Linux --
The basic configuration.
Nas4free installed
Disk installed and mount point created as volume1
Two user accounts created - Infi and HTPC
Two user groups created - sabnzbd and recordings
Two shared folders created - Recordings and Public
After much trial and error and finding the right guides on t'internet, I now have SAB and Sick Beard fully functioning.
The problem I'm having is setting permissions on these shares. I originally created them by SSH'ing into the netbook as root and mkdir /mnt/volume1/recordings etc. The owner is therefore root and the group is wheel (administrators).
I don't really need to change the permissions for Infi, but I'd like to set the Recordings share so that only the admins and users of the recordings group can access the Recordings share.
If I make Infi and HTPC members of the wheel group, I can access the netbook and shares fine, but if I take them out, I can't even see the shares from Windows.
I've spent another 1/2 day Googling around trying to find out how to set these permissions up correctly so that everyone isn't a member of the wheel group (as that kind of defeats the purpose of permissions in the first place), but all I seem to come across is people on the Nas4free forums (and other places) linking from one discussion to another to another to another and never really answering the question (well not for me anyway), or people talking in extremely stilted English so that it just really hurts my head to read.
So I thought I'd take a punt and ask here and see if anyone can point me in the right direction, as I'm sure that in the future I'll want to create more shares on there and it'd be nice to have a basic understanding of how to configure shares/permissions on the netbook without having to spend hours trawling the internet. That, and I do occasionally like to learn new things.
I'm sure it's all very simple when you know how, but I've come from many years using Windows, and even though I have dabbled with the commandline in my Administrator days, it was never really necessary for setting up Windows shares - it was just a right-click away.