NAS Upgrade?

8 Jan 2021
Hi, I’m in need of some advise, I currently have a symbology CS407 NAS running DSM3.1 (approx 10 years old) I am thinking of upgrading to the DS 218play. Would I be able to just move my hdd’s over to the 218 then update the firmware ? Or am I best buying new drives? Cheers
Regardless of any compatibility between the old drives and the new NAS I would be looking at putting in new disks if this is important data as disks are bigger and cheaper now.

Otherwise, it depends on the age/make/model of your drives. If they're 10 years old I would be buying new for sure.
Hi, I’m in need of some advise, I currently have a symbology CS407 NAS running DSM3.1 (approx 10 years old) I am thinking of upgrading to the DS 218play. Would I be able to just move my hdd’s over to the 218 then update the firmware ? Or am I best buying new drives? Cheers
As @Throrik as said. You'd be best budgeting for new drives (4/6tb) for the new NAS and then once data is copied selling the old drives to recoup a little cash.
as above depends on the age of the drives. if they are 10 years old then there is a good chance they are close to end of life so big stresses like an raid rebuild etc might well finish them off. If however they are new ish drives then yes you can migrate them.
Depending on your use case, I would also suggest getting the 218+ over the Play. It has a better Intel CPU and can run Docker etc, which the Plus can't.
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