national insurance question

11 Feb 2004
So the new rate in July2022 will fall inline with the tax threshold
of £12,570.
I am semi retired (47) and only work 3 days (20 hours @ £10ph) so earn less than the new threshold.
but i have about 7 years left of national insurance contributions left
to receive full state pension for when i fully retire.
If i am not paying any national insurance from July that means i am not paying any more stamp, is that correct ?

If so will playing voluntary contributions of £3.05 (class 2) a week rectify this?

The guidance hasn't been changed yet to reflect the new threashold. Currently those earning between the Lower Earnings Limit (£520/week) and the Primary Threshold (£184/week) pay no NI but their contributions are treated as having been paid to protect their National Insurance record. Those earning below the Lower Earnings Limit can pay voluntary contributions to maintain their record. You'll have to see how those are adjusted and where your £200/week lies.

You seem to be employed so if you did pay voluntary contributions wouldn't they be Class 3?
Wait for positive confirmation but you should get credit still. I can see in my tax portal when I was working part time I have NI credits for each of those years.
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