Nearest mobo to the Maximus Formula

25 Apr 2008
As above really.

I see everyone raving about the Maximus Formula but at £160ish theres no way I can justify that. So my question is what other DDR2 x38 boards are there that can compete with the Maximus?

I just want
4 ram slots -
lots of USB 2
couple of Firewire
2/3 PCIe 2.0 ports
and good reliability, oh and the cheaper the better!

Suggest away guys!
Only the upcoming P45 seems to offer what you need

X38 doesn't get much cheaper than this, and unless you go with NForce 750i, it's best to wait for PCI-E 2.0 P45

I have seen the Asus P5E for £122 though.

i've thought about the abit mo'bo. But wondered whether it was just worth spending the extra £20 for the maximus. I'm not sure how much gains I get for the £20 tho!
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