Nearly there with my navigation, just a little more help needed

I guess you mean the red background-image on each list element?

Override the inherited background-image property - you've applied it to all <li> elements of #navmenu with the rule ul#navmenu li { }.
ul#navmenu ul li {
  width: 135px;
  float: left; /*For IE 7 lack of compliance*/
  display: block !important;
  display: inline; /*For IE*/
[color=yellow][b]  background-image: none;
  height: auto;[/b][/color]
The additional, optional height property is to override the height property of the top-level tabs, also set in ul#navmenu li { }.
Ok Ive stumbled accross another slight problem!!

How can I get the text to appear at the bottom of the picture? I thought it would be a simple css vertical align but either Ive put it in the wrong place or it doesnt work :confused:

Thanks again, Mark
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