Necrophilia was "alive" in Tunbridge Wells

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28 Nov 2003
An electrician accused of murdering two women more than 30 years ago sexually assaulted dead bodies in the mortuaries of hospitals where he worked, a court has heard.

David Fuller is standing trial at Maidstone Crown Court in Kent accused of the murders of Wendy Knell and Caroline Pierce in 1987.

Both women were found naked and had been struck on the head, asphyxiated and sexually assaulted after their deaths, the jury was told.

Fuller, 67, admits killing the women but denies murder, claiming he was suffering from "abnormality of mind" at the time, the court heard.

He was linked to the killings through new familial DNA techniques last year, jurors were told.

Opening the trial, prosecutor Duncan Atkinson QC described Fuller as a "controlled sexual deviant who preyed on young women and derived sexual gratification from the violation of their dead bodies".

He said the defendant had a "particular interest in the sexual assault of dead women" and abused corpses in the mortuaries of Kent and Sussex hospital and Tunbridge Wells hospital where he worked.

In his defence it was alleged he said "I just liked a stiff one before going to bed..."

(Well, maybe he didn't who knows...?) ;)

Yours truly, "Outraged" of Tunbridge Wells.
I don't get why men want to violate a dead woman. Surely, it would be cold 'inside.'
I'm going to have to turn the heating on now.

Yeah, but they don't give you any back chat, have a headache, or say cuttingly, "Was that it?" ;)

There are some VERY odd people about, and from various conversations over drinks with doctor friends it seems most hospitals scrutinize their new mortuary staff very carefully!

Greta says don't turn the heating on, think of the climate and put a sock on it...
It's strange how this subject is apparently fair game for one liners and general chuckles. The crime has got to be just about as sick as it gets.

I don't mean that I think a Mod should intervene, what I mean is that it is quite interesting how we seem to accept humour in things like this.

Dark humour has always been the English way when faced with such distasteful and dreadful things. If he got the death penalty maybe he then go **** himself? ;)
Mrs Kemal is obviously a determined and virtuous woman with a history of bringing the politically correct civil servants to account and I wish her every success to also bringing the profligate and inept NHS hierarchy to similar account.

I had no idea that the crime this deviant committed was punishable by a maximum of 2 years. Personally I'd like to have seen him castrated and would be up for the job with my blunt Stanley knife...
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