Need a basic audio/video creation + editing setup for uni, ideas please!

19 May 2009
Please note, I'm completely new to setting up my own little home studio so please bare with me! lol I've been mainly working on live sound for the best part of two years on my degree so haven't needed to think about doing it.


Basically I need some decent editing software so was thinking either Cubase 5 (studio) or Logic 9 (essentials) (Can only use these). The question here is do I use my current i7 setup or get a macbook instead and use Logic? I haven't used Logic enough to find out if it's worth it, but everyone is using Mac at uni nowadays :(

Also I need an audio interface for my pc, but have no idea which is best. Just need something simple I can plug a keyboard in for vst instruments, 1/4 jack for guitar, etc.

Don't need to worry too much about a good monitoring setup as I'll sort that out at uni. Just need to get a basic video/audio suite for creating and applying underscore to a video.

Any help will be much appreciated :)
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