Need a bit of advice with cooling PWM/SYS on an Abit an8-sli

15 Mar 2006
This board uses passive cooling for the mobo chipset, as shown here -

Mine tends to get above 50 degrees when under load, and even though i've heard they can go pretty high without damage, i'd rather have it a bit cooler.
The exhaust area is above the CPU fan, and my arctic freezer pro doesnt really blow any air out of the Q-OTES exhaust.

When i was messing about with my system and it was out of the case, having a 120mm fan blowing over the exhaust cooled temps by about 5 degrees. Now my problem is how i'm going to do that when everything is in the case.
Having a fan inside blowing air out the exhaust is the most obvious, but it would need to be a pathetic 40mm fan for it to fit in - that's if i can find a way of suspending it under the PSU.
My other option is to mount a fan outside the case, 'sucking' air out if you will. Unfortunately, the air a fan blows does not equal the amount it sucks in perpendicular to the fan, so this may not help much.
The only other option i can think of is to have a fan blowing INTO the case via the q-OTES exhaust, and hope that the cpu fan will redirect the hot air out of the case exhaust.
If i were to do this, i'd then have to decide whether to use a 120mm fan, or 2 40mm fans side by side, which covers the exhaust perfectly.

Any ideas/tips? Especially on how to have fans inside the case where you're not really meant to have fans =/ (no superglue please!)
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I would add a few case fans if i could, but my eclipse-62 only has space for 2 :(

I dont actually know the difference between SYS and PWM, but it was PWM that went down when i blew a fan over the OTES exhaust, whereas if i blew a fan over the heatsink/chipset next to the graphics card, it made no difference to temperatures.

I'm buying some cables and fans atm, so when i change them, that'll give me a chance to try different things.
I'll try remounting the chipset heatsink with some AS5 and see what that does, and i'll use the double sided tape from the vf900 to try and mount an 80mm fan under the PSU. I'll probably also try an 80/120mm outside the case blowing in, hoping that the PSU fan blows the hot air into the path of the CPU airflow lol..

When i get the stuff, i'll post the results and some pics for anyone thats interested. That's if the second camera i've ordered arrives.. *mumbles something about stupid ebayers*
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