Need a bit of advice

4 Apr 2006
Hey all, I've been out of the pc scene for quite some time but over the last week or so I been seriously thinking about building a new pc, problem is I can only spare about £400, £500 at a real push. My mate reckons thats enough these days for an ok gaming pc, and directed me this way for some advice. Basically, I have an old monitor, an old hdd, keyboard and mouse, but I'll need pretty much everything else. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
its an 80gb old ide one, im pretty serious about my gaming but i tend to find a good game and stick with it, particularly online games, ideally id like to be able to play pro ev online at high quality, oblvion, and when darkfall is released id like it to be at least playable as ill prob stick with that for a while! :)
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