need a dead simple cms to churn out text

16 Jun 2003
is there anything out there that has a small admin section where you can change the text of a database (with a login), say 5 different text pages. Then I want to call the function, like dump contents of page 2 in this div. So that the text is updateable but doesn't disturb the html template of the site.

Things like joomla are overkill. Just need something to admin, and spit out text from a mysql database. and allow an office monkey to login and change a few dates around.

help much appreciated.
I did something almost exactly like this fairly recently (though it used flat files, not a db.)

If you don't find anything e-mail me and I'll see if I can sort it for you...bit busy the next few days (as evidenced by my lack of posting :eek: ) but I'll do me best:)
wordpress really is simple-as, have you considered that. takes about 5 mins to install, if that, and then just "create page". you even get a word editor type-o-thing.
While I love WordPress, it's total overkill for your needs.

Try some of the ones here, there are a few that are quite barebones--see the "Lite" section.

Edit: Also, you might consider some Wiki software--just restrict the access for anonymous users, and you're away. My personal recommendation would be WikkaWiki :)
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