Need a decent pocket camcorder, any recommendations?

11 Apr 2012
Stoke , UK
Basically, I'm looking for a pocket camcorder that records in full HD. Preferably SD slots for external memory, fairly large screen, takes photo stills aswell as video. I'm using it for Vlogs etc So it needs to be easy to use in all lighting, decent sound capture would be great. My budget is around £70 but anything less would be great. I've looked at the sony bloggie touch hd as its on sale and it fits everything I want, just wondering if there's any other's out there? Thanks!
We're in the market for one of these too so we can record our little one as she grows up so I'd be interested in any recommendations.
Hi! I've found a pocket cam since posting, i'm getting the toshiba camileo s30 off a friend, it has 1080p HD recording, 3" touchscreen 8mp etc and its around 110 brand new, but If you have around the 150 mark, definitely look into the Panasonic pocket cams such as the DC2, they're brilliant! 15MP stills, 1080p recording, beautiful design. If i had more of a budget, I definitely would have gone for the panasonic.
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