Need a game to play...

14 Sep 2007
I rarely post threads like this as my gaming time is very limited. However i'm going to have a decent chunk of uninterrupted gaming time coming up shortly, namely 2 weeks solid. No wife, child or work to worry about. :D

Ideally, I want the following:
  • Rich coherent story.
  • RPG.
  • Sci fi setting...but can be fantasy.
  • Not mindless hack slash or pew pew pew
  • Some decent progression/skill trees.
  • Graphically reasonably decent in 1st/3rd person perspective. No platform, isometric or top down views please.
  • No RTS, possibly turn based but it'd have to be amazeballs to hook me.
Favourite game of all time is original Deus Ex, in recent years would be Alien Isolation, have played through Skyrim, Fallout 3/4, Mass Effects, Prey, XCOM, Stalker trilogy, Division, KOTOR 1&2 the earlier Final Fantasy games. I gave the new FF a try and didn't like it.

Have tried all the Witchers on multiple occasions and they don't stick, although I own them all. I might be convinced to try Witcher 3 for the third time as it does fit most of my criteria but would prefer something sci fi based.

I'm hoping there might be some lesser known indie games or maybe some glaringly obvious games that have just past me by.

No doubt some of your suggestions I may have already played or tried but can't think of everything off the top of my head.
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unfortunately it's no sci fi but the best game i've played in ages is kingdom come. took me a few hours to get into it, but when i finally did it was brilliant. could easily tell it was made by some of those who did Mafia 1 as it had some of those magic moments. great game well worth giving a go. it's a game designed for uninterrupted play

I am liking the look of Kingdom Come, will read a few more reviews later on and see if it sounds like it could be one for me.

If you favorite game is the Original Dues Ex, how about Dues Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided ??

Also can confirm with above poster that Kingdom Come Deliverance is a great game, take a while to get into but once you do you are hooked. And the DLC for it just come out today as well so even more game play there. And without anyone around you be ok with their save system as well. ;) :p

I've played Human Revolution and while I enjoyed it, it felt a little too dumbed down and simple versus what I remember of the original. I'm about 5 hours into Mankind Divided and haven't touched it since a week after it came out, it's missing something I can't put my finger on.

divinity original sin 2 is amazing but i guess is top down, but its really worth trying out. i think its on sale also at the moment

I'm not averse to top down but I struggle with immersion in that style.

@Nate75 & @TheSwede I loved Prey, surprise hit for me, bought on a whim and played it as much as I could and think I did pretty much everything you could in the game. Wasn't aware of the new DLC but if it's not offering more story i'm not sure there is the draw for me.
How about ELEX ?? Forgot about it but saw it in my library and thought that might be a good one for you ? The start is rough though, you be running away more then you fighting. I clocked 146 hours in it, but I did explore everything I could find.

Wow, how have I not seen that before, it looks right up my street. A lot of the bad reviews seem to criticise the combat over anything else as in bad hit detection and a little labored, what's your thoughts on that.

I recommend the series of games called mass effect like mass effect 1, 2, 3 etc.

Have played the first 3, did actual mention it in the OP :D I haven't tried Andromeda yet but as the original trilogy got worse with each game, i'm not sure I want to.

In case you would be buying this, and if you don't mind using GOG as your platform for it. CohhCarnage has a deal with GOG and buying through his referral link over at his twitch channel would give you 40% off the base game. Ends on July the 8th at 10am EDT though, but thought I put it here since that would be a nice saving for you, if you concerned about the price on the game ?

I see I can get it for £21 through the key sites but appreciate the effort you've gone into showing me how I could make a good saving :)

Condsidered going outside your comfort zone?

Cities Skylines is a very awesome city builder that is easily modded via steam workshop and really the sky is the limit of what you can do with it.

Anyway, I feel by chasing such requirements you are limiting your options and might end up disappointed.

I've played a few similar city/civ building games in the past but find I end up just going through the motions rather than enjoying the game and getting immersed. My day job is also as a Planning Manager so i'd like to break away from that for my gaming time :D

My requirements aren't rigid but i'd at least like to find something within those parameters before I go way off at a tangent. Also this gaming time is very rare for me which is why I want to take my time in the next week finding something to get my teeth into when I have that time available.

I assume you've played the Dishonoured games?

I've mostly been playing The Division lately due to a lack of games like you are talking about that I've not tried and either already completed or found lacking.

I've played a few hours of the first one, honestly can't remember why I stopped as I did enjoy it...that's one I could easily drop back into.

I have a lot of time on The Division but I got into the endless circle jerk of grinding for gear just to go back and grind for more again, as mentioned above, wasn't really into it, just going through the motions. I did really enjoy the SP campaign though.

Have you tried the GMDX mod for Deus Ex? Brilliant mod.

Why'd you have to show me that, I feel like I need to do what feels like my 10th playthrough of Deus Ex now :D
Forgot about this and hadn't seen the latest updates.

Give the Witcher 3 another go, took me 2 starts to stick with it, but after finishing it and all the dlc’s I can confidently say it’s the best game I’ve ever played.

In fact I’ve sacked off the games I’m playing now and re-playing it. Which is something I never do due to having so little gaming time nowadays.

This is the most sensible choice as I own it and no one really says anything bad about it. I think I should just persist for a good 2/3 hour stint and try and get it to stick.

Have you tried Hellion?

You liked Mass Effect - How about the Dragon Age series?
I'd also recommend trying the Divinity ones.

Others I enjoyed, with vaguely similar elements, playstyle, or just general feel: Assassins Creed (Altair and Ezio stories only), Sleeping Dogs, Portal 1 & 2, Mad Max...

I've watched quite a vids on YT about hellion from devildoggamer but it's still early access I believe?

Played DA, Sleeping Dogs, both Portal games...totally forgot there was a Mad Max game tbh. I've tried numerous times to get into AC 1 & 2 but again, don't really enjoy them.

Hmmm, Dead Spaces, Dying Light, Metros and Skyrim mods (Enderal) maybe?

Can't think of much to match all your requirements as pretty much everything I'd think of you've played or has been suggested.

Played all those and really liked them except Dying Light...sick to death of zombies.

Out of left field a bit, but I'd like to recommend the game: Echo.
It ticks quite a lot of your boxes, and it had me play up way into quite a few nights. It's spooky in a good way.
I'd suggest looking at a few clips without being put off by some negative comments. It's not really a game for kids, and I mean that as a recommendation.

Right up my street, added to my wishlist and a serious contender, thanks.

No mention of the Bioshock series? Have you played any of them?

Yeah, played the trilogy and enjoyed thoroughly.

Quantum Break
Dishonoured 1 & 2
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Part way through SOMA and got a little bored, need to revisit. Vampire the masquerade bloodlines is up there in my top 10 games. I previously mentioned Disonored 1 as something I need to go back to at some point.

System Shock 2 + mods.

Or, if you want an all in one mod, try System Shock Infinite.

Don't want to skew my fond memories of my original playthrough if that makes sense?

Inquisitor: Martyr. A bit like Diablo but with a Warhammer 40K skin?

The comparison to Diablo puts me off, mainly as I played two to death ;)
So it is.... I'd completely forgotten.
Still pretty playable though, even at this stage.

I've got no problem with early access, I own a few that are excellent...bought Subnautica on EA and have a few hundred hours on it.

It's just that with this rare time, I want to put it into a "finished" game.
XCOM 2 is amazeballs – did you like XCOM? I did but I was still surprised by just how immersive XCOM 2 was. Legendary.

Witcher 3 – one of the best games ever, and I’m not even into the genre.

Dishonored 2 – brilliant.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Have a lot of hours on XCOM and got XCOM 2 in the humble bundle, installed but haven't fired it up yet.

Haven't finished Dishonored 1 yet and really liked Human Revolution, Mankind Divided was horrible and only a few hours in decided not to play anymore.
XCOM 2 is amazeballs – did you like XCOM? I did but I was still surprised by just how immersive XCOM 2 was. Legendary.

Witcher 3 – one of the best games ever, and I’m not even into the genre.

Dishonored 2 – brilliant.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Have a lot of hours on XCOM and got XCOM 2 in the humble bundle, installed but haven't fired it up yet.

Haven't finished Dishonored 1 yet and really liked Human Revolution, Mankind Divided was horrible and only a few hours in decided not to play anymore.
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