Need a headphone recommendation

17 Aug 2007
My PC161s are starting to break down.
Could anyone tell me what are the best headphones for my PC (mainly for gaming + listening to music) ?
My price range is anything upto £100, but an 'ideal' price would be anything below £60.

My Sennheiser 161s werent bad, but they lacked a certain something.

Im looking for more of an upgrade than a mere replacement.
Microphone isnt important.

Thanks in advance
£60 goldring dr150 or sennheiser hd555
£60 + I'd advise going to head fi forums and seeking out what would best suit your needs whether you like loads of bass or clarity is more important and so on.
The goldrings or senns would be a massive upgrade from your current set though and either one would probably blow you away compared to pc161.
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You can pick up a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro's for around the £80 mark, they're the best sounding cans I've ever had the pleasure of owning.
Thanks for the advice lads.
After looking at some general reviews and opinions, ive decided to opt for the DT 770s. Theyre a bit pricey, but damn, they sound like they could be fantastic.

Greenlizard, just one question --
where did you buy your set ?
I can only seem to find these headphones for price of about £100-120
I'll have a look, they obviously (pity really) don't sell them here.

Be careful where you buy them, and also make sure you get the right version. The 250Ohm will need quite a lot of driving with e.g. a headphone amp.
If you don't have a headphone amplifier you should look to buying some low impedance phones. There are a number of options available, including the Beyerdynamic DT770s recommended by Greenlizard0 but if you buy these get the 80ohm version rather than the 250ohm version. The DT770s are well regarded 'phones. However, within your price range, I'd also consider a set of Audio Technica ATH 700s. See this review...

You can find the ATH 700s for £80.00 online very easily. These are highly regarded by audiophiles for their sound and comfort. I've owned a few sets of high end 'phones including Grado SR80, Sennheiser HD 580 and 650s. I currently own a set of ATH W5000s and a set of AKG 701s. I have a Graham Slee SOLO amplifier and play my music, radio and TV via an Auzentech Prelude soundcard to a Denon AV system using a coaxial cable. The ATH 700s are basically similar in construction to my W5000s and as the reviewer notes they are extremely comfortable. Well worth your consideration.

As you may gather, my PC is the least expensive part of my system. Sound is as important to me as graphics. My son plays more games than I do and loves the surround sound provided by this set up in his online shooters.

Hope this helps.
You know what you're right, they seem to have shot up by £20 or so. I've had a look at all the headphone stores I know and the price has risen. Weird. :confused:
Hmm, thanks for everything guys.
I think these ATH 700s sound right up my alley -- theyre cheaper than the 770s too.

I think this is what ill opt for.
Cheers again.

I'm fairly certain that you'll be pleased with your choice. The ATH 700s are a low impedance set of cans that will sound good without a seperate headphone amplifier but if you decide on an amp later you'll have no need to upgrade them.

Anyway, I'm glad to be of help, but do come back and tell us whether and why you're pleased with your purchase. In this way, your experience may be helpful to others in your situation.

Cheers returned:)
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