Need a headunit - Recommendations please

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
I'm after an MP3/WMA headunit for my car. I'm not really after anything fancy soundwise as I have the standard speakers which I don't plan on changing. As long as it has some decent features I'll be happy. The stumbling block is that it MUST have a red backlight to match the rest of my dash. My upper limit is £150 so preferably something from the January sales.

Thanks :D

I've had my eye on this one...

Any good?
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Ive got an Alpine 9847 and its quality, but I got it a few months ago now, so for £150 you could get something better.

I would look at:

Im very biased towards alpine and personally I think they are hands down the best manufacturer of headunits but pioneer do good stuff as well.
Avoid sony (and kenwood in my opinion - people will disagree) and try and get something with at least 4x50 and DAB, you probably want at least 2/3 pre-outs if your looking at getting a SUB.

Go for one of the Blaupunkt MP35 (Brooklyn?) players on caraudiodirect. You can change the background colour to whatever you want (a million different shades of red).

£100. Got one for me mam for xmas :)
I also have the 7700-MP that Nickg mentions...sounds awesome, very easy to use and backlight is switchable between red and green.

Alpine headunits no doubt sound good, but to me they seem complicated to adjust/use (more so than Pioneer anyway) and they just don't look as good IMO.
I got a great Clarion Head Unit from a well known auction site... Has a built in 128Mb too called Music Catcher and got that for £107 Inc Postage... Think they are the older model and he had loads for sale but they are a bargain and work great... Loads of guys bought them from the SXOC and everyone was happy... I am totally happy with it.. plays CD's, MP3,Wma, Radio Etc and the Music Catcher function is a great gimic... Only prob is that my S14a had a clarion head Unit and changer in it... So i thought, Great... Will be able to use the changer... Only to find out that they have changed from C-bus to C-net standard and the adapter is £70 :rolleyes: Oh and guess what? I have found a company in the states that sell the exact same part... For £23.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Oh and if you have OEM speakers it has a Anti Distortion Function for different Speakers... OEM, Coaxial and Components... Made a HUUUUUUUGE difference with My OEM Speakers in my S14a... Till i can afford some replacements...
I'm liking the 7700-MP, seems to be the best featured model for the money. Also, looking around the web there seem to be quite a few good deals on it.

Thanks :)
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