need a lil html help

17 Jul 2009
at home, you?
been helping a mate set up a website, i have created a html form, which is fine, apart from a couple of issues

1. a couple of my tickboxes have moved to the left


2. my date tab to auto input the date did not function at all


3. i also didnt manage to get any sort of background on it, and i am going to admit i made this on one of these, make your own form deals, but had no option for it

he pretty much wants it to look like his current one, but iv added more options to suit his needs


if someone could take a look at it, and possibly help me out, it would be appreciated


Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

For the radio buttons, change position from absolute to relative and play with the margins - although the way it's created the code is a mess.

I don't know what you mean about the calendar. You can enter dates fine. If you mean when you click the calendar gif you should be able to pick a date, well you can't because you don't have any kind of onclick event linking to any kind of calendar function. I recomend looking at some kind of jquery calendar plug-in to do this.

For the background add background-color to #wb_form1

Also, seperate your css from the html and into a seperate file - you're duplicating a lot of code for no reason - makes it hard to read.

Personally, I think that code for the form is garbage and I'd be creating it from scratch - it's not responsive at all for one. There isn't even an action specified for the form - so what do you want to happen when the form is submitted?

Have a look at if you need refreshing on your form skills.
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Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

im far from a coder, as i stated in the original post, this was made with software, wish i was right now lol

Oh, ok.

Download the Dreamweaver trial - that's pretty good at making forms.
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