Hey guys just been to have a look at a few and really like the D7000 amd the D5200. THE D7000 for the feel and size, just delt a much more full hand grip if that maked sence. The D5200 for the rotating screen.
Is the D7000 worth the £100 more for someone that is just getting into it?
Thats very hard to say and very dependent on your particular needs. The D5200 has a lot of user friendly modes that can help with getting you going but some of the features of the D7000 over the D5200 are:
- Micro AF adjust : This can help with front or back focusing on lenses. Normally only visible at very wide apertures. 2 of my older AF-D lenses back focused badly on my old D90.
- 1/8000th Shutter : If using primes in bright sunlight this helps massively
- Weather Sealing : No need to worry about a bit of rain! You also need weather sealed lenses though!
- Ergonomics - Dual dials, more direct access customisable buttons and top LCD. I can't emphasize how important this bit is to me perosnally!
- Wireless flash commander : Very very useful if you use off camera flash
- Higher Flash Speed - The flash can be use at a higher shutter speed than what the D5200 flash is capable of.
- Built in AF motor : Maintains auto focus in older AF & AF-D lenses
- Dual SD Slots : Very useful and very customisable.
The D5200 has a higher resolution sensor which is great for cropping and it also has the same AF system as well.
The flip LCD is the thing I'd like the most from the D5200, if Nikon ever made a D7200 with a vari-angle screen I'd be all over it.