Need a little help with borders...

18 Oct 2002
cidade maravilhosa
I need a little help and a jog of the old memory on borders...

Back in 2008/2009 someone on here (I believe to be a female :o) posted some photos with a white/blurred border, (see sample below).

I've searched high and low on here and have found some posts by myself and others referring to said border and photoshop actions to re-create it.... (which I've tried with little success), most of the original images and even the action have been removed....

sample or Sample 2[URL]

I have used the tutorial [URL=""]here
and it works, however, it only works by selecting the area to create the border. I remember the old action that was posted could be used on any size photo...

This is where you wonderful people can help me:

I need to create a white/black border with blurred outside edge for multiple image dimensions (Portrait, landscape and panoramic).

I would like this in an action that I can modify for lightroom or photshop cs6.
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My path for the plugin lives here:

C:\Users\<name>\Documents\Adobe Lightroom\Catalog\Lightroom Settings\

Then file, plug manager and add that folder. Restart LR and follow step 4 from their instructions:

Step 4: Set up (Windows users only)

Windows users now need to tell the plugin where to find ImageMagick's mogrify application.

  1. Go to Lightroom's Library module, click on an image and then press the Export button.
  2. On the left side of the export dialog box, under 'Post Process Actions' double click on 'Mogrify Configuration'.
  3. In the Mogrify Configuration panel which is now showing on the right, press 'Choose', browse to the ImageMagick installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.4.1-Q16 - this will vary with the version of ImageMagick) and choose mogrify.exe
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