Need a new tv.32" - 38"

11 Dec 2013
Hi , I am looking for a new tv, doesn't need to have build in freeview as i have a Humax HD Fox T2, i can pick up Saorview as well as u.k freeview.
Only thing i can think off is it would need a HDMI slot, as i would add a Amazon fire stick (with sideloaded app), oh i would like decent sound, was not looking to add a sound bar, but who knows.
Hope someone can jump in with a few recommendations.Oh forgot budget.. £200- £400
Cheers Clifford
There's the Seiki 32" that the purple shirts have which has a pretty good picture even though it's a 720p TV, but its has crappy sound although since it's currently £129 you can use whatever money you have remaining for a decent soundbar (which I have to do since after two days I'm now fed up with the sound on this thing).
Thanks demonix, seems to be bad sound comes hand in hand with the flat screens, I probably will have to add sound bar or whatever when I get one.
You've lost me on the purple shirts though
You've lost me on the purple shirts though

Competitors aren't allowed to be mentioned by name (competitor names are censored if mentioned) so most are named by distinguishing features (some call amazon, the rainforest even though it isn't a competitor) to get around it.

You can dump Seiki SE32HY01UK into google to get a link to one of the other stores in the group that includes the purple shirts.
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