need a piece of music from tomb raider I

1 Dec 2003
does any one have this game for PC. i'm looking for the piece of classical music that you could play if you flicked the stereo in Laras house
it was all violins etc
if you have it could you email it to me?
strange request i know, but i just need to hear it again
Cruiser said:
does any one have this game for PC. i'm looking for the piece of classical music that you could play if you flicked the stereo in Laras house
it was all violins etc
if you have it could you email it to me?
strange request i know, but i just need to hear it again

Ill have a word with downstairs.. im sure we got some compies laying about.
im sure its a real classical piece as I have a song on one of older classics albums that sounds similar
chars for that

it's a great piece of 'classical' music, however i think it's synthesised too.
i loved playing TR I on the PC. you could play this song then run outside and do the assault course :p

just got TR legend for the xblock the other day and it reminded me of this so..
I must say I enjoyed Legend, although the first TR is still my favourite, but when I try to play it nowadays I cant help noticing how dated it looks :( . Doesnt have the same impact it did 10 years ago (crikey has it really been 10 years). They should remake it :) .
skullman, 10 years, i didn't think of that actually. christ that must make me... on the wrong side of 20 something :p i haven't played it in years. i loved it for it's realism, vast levels with nothing but eerie winds and ambient background noises.

speeduk. i'll check that out, ta. does it have any tunes from castlevania on the snes, surely one of the best soundtracks :) more recently the halo soundtrack was another that caught my attention. music influences me a lot when watching a film or playing games. it can almost make me decide if it was good or not
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