I've been using a HyperX USB soundcard, that came with a old pair of HyperX earphones, for years.
I've managed to damage them and they are definitely on they're last legs.
Can anyone recommend a decent replacement for under £50? I only use this PC for gaming and listening to music.
The only problem I have is that the headphones and mic on my current headset are combined to 1 lead, most sounds I've seen have seperate input/output.
Is there a way to get around this, or am I better off just buying a 2nd hand HyperX soundcard?
I've managed to damage them and they are definitely on they're last legs.
Can anyone recommend a decent replacement for under £50? I only use this PC for gaming and listening to music.
The only problem I have is that the headphones and mic on my current headset are combined to 1 lead, most sounds I've seen have seperate input/output.
Is there a way to get around this, or am I better off just buying a 2nd hand HyperX soundcard?