Need a small app...

15 Dec 2004

Would someone mind writing me a small application that will run on logon at work? It needs to be a small window that sits in the bottom right corner of the screen rather like ranger toolbar but instead of having those buttons, it needs a logoff button and a button that links to this path:


The main function will be to display the currently logged on username in a status bar of said window and if possible in the window title as well so if it gets minimised then it will still be in the taskbar. Final request is that it cannot be closed.

Thankyou for any attempts- anything will be much appreciated.

robmiller said:
Certainly sir, one moment please!

I assume that was sarcastic :(

EDIT: I have tried by the way- we've started learning VB at college but we've not and won't be doing windows forms until the second year- it's all modules at the moment.
Thanks :)

I keep getting unhandled exeption errors though when I try and do anything :( Would it be possible to put the currently logged on username in the window and window title please?

Thanks though- much appreciated :)

Excellent! Thanks Rob :D

I like the error message for quota checker. One final question though, would it be a lot of work to put a confirm box in for the logoff button otherwise we'll have people logging each other off a bit quickly :o

Thanks again

Brilliant :D One thing I forgot to mention- would it be possible to stop the user closing it and so it only closes when they log off? Sorry for being a pest :o


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