Need a stereo input splitter for my 2.1 Altec speakers? Help!

4 Jul 2004
Hi all, just a quick question.

I have just acquired an ipod and would like to connect it up to my computer speakers so that i can listen to music and keep the computer off. My speakers only have 1 stereo input; is there an adaptor available that can make that 1 input into 2 inputs so i can leave the line out from the comp connected and have another line into the speakers with the ipod? i hope there is!

Thanks in advance for any help :) .
It's not reccomended. You'd need a switched one really, otherwise your ipod output is joined to your computer line output; you should never join two outputs together without a mixer of they will conflict, possibly causing damage, more likely attenuating the signal.
Not to hijack the thread but I'm in a similar situation, I have my PC and 360 going to my speakers which only has one av input. I would like to get a switch so I can have both connected and just flip the switch to change which actually gets to use the speakers. Can anyone recommend something?
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