Need a Third person adventure/shooter

9 Dec 2006

Got the week off from work, originally for half-term but then In hopes i may have my 3090 by then & get to play something new. (legion or whatever)

none come to true, so looking for a third person game to get into
Fancy something like GTA/Mafia would be cool but open to all.

Already played
GTA * all
Saints row * all
Mafia 1-2-3 (3 is terrible, & dont want 1 remastered)

my profile may help you see what i have finished
Without looking through your profile (sorry I don't have much time) the two that spring to mind are:

Gears of War (XBox Game Pass would be useful here)
Spec Ops: The Line (a little older but still good and as hard as nails at times)

Have you tried any of the Yakuza or Darksiders games?

I noticed you had a couple in your account but with zero hours played.

Sunset Overdrive is a ton of fun and it's currently on Games Pass.
Have you tried any of the Yakuza or Darksiders games?

I noticed you had a couple in your account but with zero hours played.

Sunset Overdrive is a ton of fun and it's currently on Games Pass.
darksiders 1-2 completed, not sure why no hours
Yakuza i thought was very boring
Not a shooter or third person but I see you have The Long Dark and haven't played it. So that would be my recommendation :)
Going to get it hard to get similar to gta and Mafia series.
But 3rd person
some splinter cell or metal gear solid(I didn't like phantom pain much myself).
some Resident evil games?
Ghost recon breakpoint or wildlands
Far cry series
Hitman 2
You have pretty much played a lot already.
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