Need a very small PC for studying and music...

28 Jul 2004
Hi guys,

I'm after a small PC, m-itx I would guess.

2 main tasks: studying (internet and spreadsheet usage) and music playback.

So I was thinking an AMD 'APU' cpu and a sound card for good music playback?

I've looked around and most builds seem to be coming to circa £500. Any advice?

I don't need a monitor/keyboard/mouse.

Thnx xx
I bought a similiar system for my parents, and as you say, the Flash is quite laggy and unfortunately I need to use it for that quite a lot.

Thanks though :)
I looked at that system but thought it was overpriced. I ended up going for an i3 2100, the chepeast mATX board I could find (£35) and a cheap 10litre case with a SFF PSU, works a dream. Chucked in a gfx card and sound card and I've now got a great system.
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