Need Advice - New Sim only contract for elderly mum all inclusive cheap

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Need to fix a new simcard for my mum.

Shes in the UK London coverage should be no problem so any network/sub netork

Is giffgaff still a thing? She doesn't need Mobile data but unlimited calls (100+) would be good. i assume thats a thing that comes bundled on cheap sims in the UK now?

Jesus im clueless...

must be able to take old number with her... Shes on some absolutely awful TESCO mobile PAYG contract.
Could it be easier for her to switch from Tesco PAYG to Tesco Sim only plan?

They do unlimited minutes/texts and 12gb data on a 2 year contract for £10/month using the O2 network. They might be able to just simply switch her over?

THat would probably be absolutely the easiest route to go lol If it can all be done in a single call ill definitely look at it and pass it on to my sister who'll be dealing with anything

If she needs a new phone too, I know sky mobile to unlimited calls/text, 100mb of data for free!

If she's not using much data at all, could be worth a look
The best would be giff gaff, virgin or smarty pay as you go, much cheaper than most contracts at the moment, I would hove gone PayAYG, if i did not get the together deal

Setup an online account so you can manage it for her
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