Need advice on 2 digital cameras

i belive going by other threads the Canon are meant to be the better of the 2. Im sur someonme will back me up on that!
Which of these is better and why?


They both have the same sensor size and pixel density.

The Sony is f2.8-5.8 while the Canon is f/2.8-4.9, so the Canon lens is slightly faster at the telephoto end.

The Sony is 32-128mm focal length (35mm equivalent), the Canon is 38 – 114mm, so you pay for the extra lens speed with less zoom range.

The only thing that would swing me one way or the other would be the fact that I have a laptop with a builtin Sony memory card reader...

Both are excellent cameras, which ever one you choose, you will be happy with it.
TBH, I always favour Canon, though SONY do make some excellent compact cameras !
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