Need Advice On A New Tablet, £200 Give Or Take

6 Sep 2005
Lincs UK
My Mrs has been using a Nexus 7 for the past four years but it's on it's last legs. She wants one similar to the Nexus, so as long as she can visit and download games from Google game store or whatever it's called she will be happy.
Actually that is really all she uses it for ... Candy Crush type games and visiting a few websites.

I've looked on the Rain Forest but I've no idea what I am really looking for.
I had a look at the Google Chromebook's but I don't think she would go for one of them ( Thanks though muttclug )

The Samsung Galaxy Tab A or the S2 are on the radar for sure. She has been looking at these £100 Neocore Google Android Tablets but I'm not so sure as I am one of these you pay for what you get kind of guys.

Any good or am I right to be cautious?
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