Need advice on a pc build. With i7 and 1070/80 (£1,500 budget)

1 Oct 2017
Hi, was wondering if any had any good Water cooled gaming setups, using a 1070 and pref i7.

Looking spend around £1,500 ish mark.

Would be much help not unleaded my pc in like 5 years and the it was a pre made setup.

Needs to have windows with it too.
Hi, was wondering if any had any good Water cooled gaming setups, using a 1070 and pref i7.

Looking spend around £1,500 ish mark.

Would be much help not unleaded my pc in like 5 years and the it was a pre made setup.

Needs to have windows with it too.

wait till coffee lake if your after intel :) this month - should be paying £20-30 more (hopefully) for 2 extra cores across i3/5/7 range
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