Need advice on Headphones and USB amp/soundcard

13 Jan 2012
United Kingdom
Hey guys, after doing some research i have concluded that i would be better of getting a pair of headphones/usb sound card than a headset for my purposes (gaming/music/movies etc). I want something with bass (fun sounds) as well as been able to hear crisp gunshot sounds in bf1 for example.

I was looking at the Sennheiser GSX 1000/1200, what are the differences between these and do they really make a difference from the cheaper offerings?
As for both lots of bass and hearing foot steps and gun sounds you have to compromise, because lots of bass makes it harder to distinguish those important for details higher frequencies.

Old CMSS-3D starting 4:10 has best detail nitpicking, but totally kills bass compared to SBX Pro Studio which balances well between details and bass.

While Sennheiser is known audio name Creative's SBX Pro is better binaural simulation.
But at least Sennheiser avoids Dolby Headphone's echo/bass bloat. (7:15 in that first video)

Though external USB sound cards of Creative aren't equal to what can be gotten from internal cards especially compared to price.
Sound Blaster E-serie is intended as stereo DAC and can show to OS only as two channel device so those can't do actual binaural-simulation from 5.1 surround sound.
Besides some older USB sound cards high end Sound Blaster X7 is full surround capable, though definitely anything but small.

Newer Sound BlasterX G5 supports showing itself as surround sound card to OS.
It just has new BlasterX Acoustical Engine software which might have same algorithms or might not as SBX Pro Studio.
Not enough comparisons to fully tell that.
I went with a GSX 1000 and a Sennheiser game one because i got a 20% discount on them brand new. What are you opinions on them? i only play games and watch movies and the game one are meant to be similar to the HD 598 which isn't a bad headphone.
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Game Zero is closed design so likely based on at most HD569.
After all they'll sure want special product extra for attaching mic...
And just slapping closed plate to behind driver of open headphone would likely result in not so good sound.

Anyway already as closed design soundstage is likely notably smaller than in HD598.
First minute or two of that BF4 comparison is good for testing that.
With good sound stage farther gunshots sound really like coming from far way.
Then that space can get smaller depending od heaphones, all the way down to "head in bucket" with everything sounding coming next to ear.

Sure looks like Sennheiser is using gaming hype train for selling basic stuff in GSX.
1Vrms as max output voltage is just plain weak for that price device.
All integrated Realteks output 1,1V to 32 ohm load!
I meant game One not game zero, which are open design headphones. i also purchased a fidelio x2 of amazon to compare the two and will be keeping the one i like the most.
Game One is apparently HD558 based.
(same driver as in 598 but some difference in earcup and pads)
So bass should be neutral which is good for competitive gaming.
But of course shy bass weakens that fun factor.
In Reddit someone compared Game One's sound stage as lot smaller than in HD555 (earlier version of HD558) so maybe they're closer to bottom model of HD500-serie.

Fidelio should be quite much like Beyerdynamic DT990.
Big sound stage, strong bass, though less "loudness" shaped curve in upper treble.
So do you like neutral/"shy" at moderate sound pressure level bass or strong bass affects lot to which you like better.
(human hearing has variable frequency response depending on sound pressure)
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