Need advice on parts for Mini ITX build

11 Sep 2012
Hey guys, I need some advice on parts for this mini itx build. The PC will be used for light gaming, basically I need an ultra portable PC capable of playing pre-2010 games, cases such as the CM Elite 120 are just too big.

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I chose either of these 2 cases due to their very small size compared to other Mini ITX cases, if anyone else has any suggestions for other cases of comparable size I would appreciate it.

This means that I have a 160W limit on a PSU as that is the highest wattage PicoPSU I have found.

I plan on using an AMD A8 3850 but if possible would like to have it in crossfire with a 6570 or 6670, but that would obviously mean a case that supports a bigger PSU, so again any suggestions on a real small case that supports something bigger than picopsu.

Also I find it near impossible to find a slot loading optical drive with a left sided eject button.
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