need advice?????

3 Feb 2006
not sure
hi all me first post in the photo section.any ways ive got a samsung v800 not a bad camara real but i aint a photographa or for that matter any good or know what all the settings do eg shutter apature blah blah blah me spelling aint to good aas well.

what i need is a site that explains it all in english and give examples of what they mean.

im asking cus im off to williams f1 factory in grove...dont ask been very lucky leave it at that.i want to make the most of it and takes some fantastic photos but me hands aint stable so normaly use a tripod but may look abit of a numpty with one round there.

ps if im not gonna brake any williams f1 law/code etc will post the pics here to if you are interested.

thanks in advance.
Have you tried wiki at all? Aperture

Your camera probably won't let you adjust exposure/aperture, it looks like a point and shoot type, so I wouldn't worry about it too much, sometimes you'll want the flash off so find the option for that.
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