Need an explaination on how to do something

29 Apr 2012
When you have an image on a light background with anti-aliased edges:


How do you make the background transparent, but not leave a light coloured border round the thing you are selecting?

I use GIMP and
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I don't know specifically about the programs you mentioned, but in PS I'd either use the pen tool to make a detailed selection around her or use layer blending set to darken to make white transparent. The latter would only work when you have another background to use instead though.
Transparency in images will be set on pixels at varying strengths around the edges depending on how the colour of the pixel opposes the colour of the background.

So the best you can probably do is set the background to a mid grey and fix the transparency levels against that. It won't be perfect on white or black backgrounds, but anything in between will get somewhere between 50% to 100% right.

Whereas an image with a light background and transparency set, vs. putting the image on a dark background, would create a greater than 50% offset with light edge pixels causing a halo to appear around the object.

The closer you can target the image to the background it is upon the better, so in the end you may need multiple images and to decide when it is right to use each.
It's been a long time since I've used Gimp but Photoshop has a background selection tool that in the case of the sample image you'd just click on the white and it would select it all.

Then you can adjust the tolerance's for the colours and a couple of other options to fine tune it.

then simply go around with a small eraser and zoomed in to 300% and trim and problem areas.
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