Need electronics Pro help please

16 Jun 2011
It looks at first glance you want the G5Q-1A-HA.

I would suggest writing down key specs from the original on a piece of paper - current, switch voltage, NO/NC. That helps avoid being blinded by all the data on datasheets.

Then discount all the ones not suitable on the product page tables - no need for high voltage, high capacity, especially sealed, etc.

Alternatively check out where you can filter comprehensively so only the products you need show up.
The problem you'll find is matching up the footprint to the existing pcb, it is alright narrowing down the choice on specs alone if you have control over the PCb artwork, you can make it match, but matching up with an existing layout is differnt, you'd want to compare the pin outs and the dimensioned drawings. Now you'll quite likely get lucky as quite often there seem to a small number of 'standard' layouts they are from rather than being completely different for each one, but you need to check, unless you want to have a large amount of faffing about to get it to work (flying leads, or making up a converter pcb etc)
The original is sealed.

I think it may be either standard or high capacity. I don't know how you choose between the two.



Any ideas?
Thanks JM, what does twice the current rating mean - does that mean it can take a higher current?

Yes, Its just the switching capacity, you can increase this without worry, but you'd need to very sure that it was overspeced to start with in order to go the other way (generally that means don't :))

If it isn't sealed - does it matter?

Probably not, unless its in a harsh/dusty environment, the other reason a sealed relay will be used is PCBs are sometimes washed in production after the soldering process, this is irrelvant for a field replacement.

I've corrected the 'invisible ink' I switched to red to highlight coil voltages, then switched "back" to black instead of back to white. It was still readable but only if you looked closely, though I'm guessing you might be using the black scheme rather than the blue?
Many thanks for your help - I will let you know how my repair goes - :D - keep the fire extinguisher to hand!
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