Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

previous game was by a different company using a different engine.

aparently this has boat style handling and its a lot like burnout so they probably use the burnout engine....
I'm looking forward to this one. Big fan of the burnout games but there were always missing those real cars and proper cops that we all love so much in NFS. Hopefully this will be the perfect combination. Criterion's games have always been very well produced, presented and thought out in my opinion.
I can't seem to find out whether the social networking side (the autolog) is cross platform. It would be excellent if it was but obviously the pc version maybe more hackable.
Got the LE pre ordered for PC, email today saying its shipped! :)

will get some info and pics etc up once it arrives.......REALLY looking forward to it!
GAME as had some loyalty card credit (mods: hope you don't see em as competitor... will amend if needed )
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I want to see some impressions/reviews of the pc game before I go for it but potentially this will be worth a shot. Love the idea of the social aspect - just wish it had an option todo cross platform. Any ideas if it is going to be released on steam that may just push me over the edge.
According to this it has hefty system demands:

My PC well exceeds the recommended system requirements (core 2 quad, 4gig ram, gtx460) and yet, the game slows down at least once during a race dropping to 20fps or less. Also, while playing the game, I'm only getting 30~40% gpu load.

Max Setting With Blur off

Menu =60FPS
Racing Events = 37FPS

Max Setting with Blur and Antiscoptiing....(spelling is wrong)
Racing =40FPS

Max Setting with Blur,Anti,and shadows off
Racing = 50FPS

Turning Off High Res Text had a nagitive effect fomr 50^ to 31FPS MAX

Max Setting with Blur, Shadows off.
Turn back on Anti, and High Text

Racing = 40FPS


Running the game with the following setting for best preformance (why turning High Text off cause a nagitive effect I will never know!)

Blur = off
Anit = off
HighText = on

rez = Native LCD/Monitor

System spec in first post.

game is graphic inteness evne on the most high end rigs with multi video cards and higher clocked quad-cors.
Patch is need to fix this.

My take on this game having read about it and watched videos etc. is that it seems very simplistic and lacking in content. No story, few game modes and what appear to be very bland tracks, ie. predominantly very long, very wide roads with long sweeping bends. Also no customisation of your car such as performance upgrades, you can change the colour and that's it. It looks like Chase HQ except with better graphics, and I fear it would get old quick.
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only 40% gpu usage :S and not even vsync fps lol... whats with all the poorly optimised games recently

Just lazy sloppy porting, they optimise the game for consoles and I believe the PS3 was the lead platform for this game. The PS3 is a machine were it seems CPU optimisation is more or less equal to GPU as the PS3 has a fairly mediocre GPU compared to a PC.

If its optimised well for the PS3 they normally get it running fairly decent on the 360, however those of us with PC’s seem to be seeing games that don’t appear to fully utilise the one component in our systems that makes games sing and dance.. that GPU.

But, 40fps isn’t any slouch, sure 60fps would be preferable, and if I remember the last need for speed game for ATI cards was gimped for a few weeks but a patch was released and the fps shot up after that..

Wouldn’t write it off, and to me 1920 x 1080 with max details and 4 x AA at 30 + fps is good enough, but for some its not…

However, do think developers need to start taking a bit more care with their ports, as reports like these will only put buyers in the PC community off. And we wondered why there was no PC demo..!! Sheesh..!!
I was gonna pre-order but after being burned on Black Ops I am waiting to hear some player feedback first. The last NFS game without a demo was NFS Undercover and that wasn't too good either. (Graphics worse than Most Wanted but it also ran far worse.)
Oh and google tells me that this game is only 30fps on the consoles. Maybe that should tell us how demanding it is, because all Criterion's previous racers even on the PS2 ran at 60fps.
Oh and google tells me that this game is only 30fps on the consoles. Maybe that should tell us how demanding it is, because all Criterion's previous racers even on the PS2 ran at 60fps.

30fps is fast becoming the norm for console games, I think as the hardware pushes into the 5 - 6 years more and more is being asked and so fps are getting lower and lower.

To be expected, this happens as the hardware gets on a bit... I remember playing the PS3 demo, and whilst the handling of the nissan was a bit iffy the games graphics were I felt really quite good...

Many PC gamers will run the game at 1920 x 1080 - consoles will be 1280 x 720, and so if the game runs at 1920 x 1080 with 4 xx AA high res textures at average 40fps then its already performing better then a console, even if its not using the full potential of your GPU.

not defending the fact its not optimised (maybe) correctly for PC, but doesn't sound too bad to me... rather play at 1080 full HD 40 + fps then nearly sub HD 30fps lower res textures and much less AA..

Each to their own.
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