Need for Speed The Run or Rivals

For the love of god, don't get Rivals.

I bought it without knowing anything about it, cause I loved the previous NFS games. Well I can tell you within 10 minutes of installing, I had tried it and had it refunded quicker then the opening cut scenes.

My brother had The Run, and it atleast looked fun, so I would go with that

Edit: And with Rivals your framerate is locked to 30fps, if you hack it to make it 60 the game is run in superspeed mode. The gamespeed is actually locked to the frame rate
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For the love of god, don't get Rivals.

I bought it without knowing anything about it, cause I loved the previous NFS games. Well I can tell you within 10 minutes of installing, I had tried it and had it refunded quicker then the opening cut scenes.

My brother had The Run, and it atleast looked fun, so I would go with that

Edit: And with Rivals your framerate is locked to 30fps, if you hack it to make it 60 the game is run in superspeed mode. The gamespeed is actually locked to the frame rate

:confused: "-GameTime.MaxSimFps 60 -GameTime.ForceSimRate 60" works fine in Rivals, also for wheel support just use x360ce, my G27 works OK.

OP, you not got Hot Pursuit?
For the love of god, don't get Rivals.

I bought it without knowing anything about it, cause I loved the previous NFS games. Well I can tell you within 10 minutes of installing, I had tried it and had it refunded quicker then the opening cut scenes.

My brother had The Run, and it atleast looked fun, so I would go with that

Edit: And with Rivals your framerate is locked to 30fps, if you hack it to make it 60 the game is run in superspeed mode. The gamespeed is actually locked to the frame rate

:rolleyes: 10 mins you say ! so you didn't actually 'play' the game but watched the intro and pre-game videos ?

Need for Speed Rivals is a fantastic game and well worth picking up if you like games in the mould of Burnout Paradise.

I grabbed this for under £10 and would totally recommend it to everyone who likes arcade racing games. The malarkey regarding the 30fps really doesn't impact on the gameplay and the graphics look slick and smooth regardless.
I do have hot persuit actually! It was in my hidden games section of Origin- I thinkk I got it mixed up with NFS World. Is it any good? I'm waiting for it to download.
The Run is marginally better the Rivals is more or less the same game but with more added social gaming junk :rolleyes: & gfx are also slightly downgraded as well for some reason :(
Yea sorry I deserve that. It was long ago, and at that point the whole internet was up in arms about the framerate, and I saw TotalBiscuit's review of it a few days ago and it wasn't good at all, like what I remembered.

What I didn't say was that when I got it, I paid the full £40, and starting the game it just was not worth that much at all IMO, hence the refund.

But now things seem to have changed, framerate issues fixed, and now must be quite a lot cheaper too, so I must apologise for that post.

Anyway, whichever you choose bro I hope you get loads of fun out of it!
Not played, Rivals, but The Run is dire... completely linear, and half the tracks are repeated! If you have Hot Pursuit, stick with that, much more fun!

Most Wanted is even better IMO, if you have that/it's on sale?
If Rivals is the one I am thinking of then get that and forget The Run was even made. It is simply atrocious (imho), I completed it in about 6 hours if that and was pretty boring boring :(

Rivals was tons of fun (assuming it is the one I'm thinking of).

Thanks for the views, I have been playing a bit of Hot Persuit and it is scratching my NfS itch nicely :). I already have Most Wanted and have played it a lot so I'm considering that one done. I think I'm going to take the plunge on Rivals.
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