Need help A.S.A.P

17 Dec 2005
hi. i was playing battlefield 2 yesterday on my pc. suddenly i heard a loud bang and my Pc shut down.I opened the case and there was a smell above my psu like it was fried.weird thing is that the psu lamp behind the case is on but my pc wont boot up. any ideas of what this might be ? do i need another Psu or is it something else ?
thanks in advance
Your PSU blew up, it is best not to even try to get it running. You will have to RMA it. Another kick in the teath for Hiper there. :(
Yes you need another psu by the sounds of it,try another one if you have one lying around.Hopefully you can rma it i don`t know warranty on hipers.
Sounds like one of the capacitors inside the PSU decided to blow.

This could've been due to a power surge (good job it was the PSU first and not the mobo and other components!) or simply due to the capacitors expanding and contracting due to heat (poor quality component selection).

Thats only ever happened to me once and that was with a cheap PSU.

RMA time.
Yep, that happened to a Qtec PSU i had on a different PC. Luckily it didn't take any components with it in the process.

As for a replacement, take a look at the Enermax and Seasonic S12 range :)
Wanted to find out for myself anyway,got this from their site
A: All PSU come with 3-Year RTB warranty, commencing form the date of purchase. Please keep your receipt in a safe place. Generally first year (may vary to different retailers, please check before purchasing) is covered by retailers and the rest is with HIPER on RTB basis.
damnit :| kinda waited for this as the temps here in my country are 34-38 degrees on sunlight :( thanks for clearing this out guys.
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