Need help finding a film!

18 Oct 2002
It is called Fire From The Sky and I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere!

It is filmed in a documentary style, and about some bizarre happenings with Asteroids, basically the U.S discover that some Asteroid impacts, two children surviving two separate impacts, and a town dissapearing are interlinked with what appears to be sentient Asteroids (the story sounds rubbish but it is a good film :))

It has been a long time since I have seen it, but I cannot find it anywhere and was wondering if anyone here has :

a) Seen it
b) Knows where I could possibly find it for sale

Thanks for the reply :) but those aren't it sorry :(

I am sure this is singularly the most difficult film to find ever!! If it was ever released I don't know - I only remember watching it on Terrestrial a long time ago :(
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