Need help fitting new brake light, electrics.

Bug One said:
...and the yellow and green is equivalent to orange.
It could be, although its possible the blue is an earth, the yellow is a live for the rear tail lamp and the yellow/green is a live for the switched brake light. The all operate from the same bulb, unless its an LED setup of course.
You might be able to, depends how its wired up, cant imagine it being too complicated to figure out though. The lives go to the bottom of the bulb, the earth to the side.
yellow w/ green stripe........yellow

Would be my assessment. Unless it's LED bases polarity won't make any odds.

Blue is likely the ground, just **** about with the other two until it works.
Trixter said:
So i get it wrong its not gonna do any damage is it ? I mean if its wrong the light will just stay on without pressing the brake ?

Will eat some food then go and have a look.
I can't see how you could do anything to damage it. They all work off the same voltage, so the worst that will happen is the lights will be the wrong way round.
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