Need help! Forgot my OSX keychain password!

31 Oct 2002
I forgot my system keychain password and now it won't save anything to it meaning it keeps disconnecting my wireless LAN and mail and I have to retype the passwords everytime. I followed some instructions to delete the keychain but they didn't work. I don't want to have to reload OSX so I'm hoping someone here can help me! :(
As far as I know it's not possible, but don't quote me on that.

It happened to a friend of mine and he had to just make a new user account, move his files over to it and then delete the account where he had forgotten the keychain password.
If you know your admin password (separate from keychain) then you might be able to sort it from > preferences > my account

I'm sure you can change both admin and keychain at the same time (as long as you know your admin password).

I can't check it out first though... not in front of OSX at home.
Concorde Rules said:
Startup on the OS X CD and from one of the menus there is PW reset

I think :)

Yes that is correct.. I remember seeing it last night ;)
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