Need help getting back into the swing of things

20 Sep 2003
Ok so I'll admit it's been a looooong time since I sat down and coded a small website from scratch using HTML/CSS and a bit of Photoshop to create the initial template design.

I want to create a small DJ blog for myself and did initially start using WordPress but this is cheating and I want to learn the skills again. I am sure the HTML and CSS will come back to me pretty quickly but things have moved on to HTML5 and CSS3.

The other problem is inspiration for ideas on design and how to design the site as a PSD. I used to have plenty of resources for sites with tutorials on how to take a blank PS canvas all the way to coded HTML/CSS.

So I guess there are few question in there and I’m basically looking for help and resources to get me back in the mood for designing websites again. I remember i always started with a banner design and took it from there :)

So any help would be appreciated!

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