Need help identifying a guitar

29 Oct 2002
Bangor, N. Ireland
The white telecaster izzy stradlin uses in sweet child video, i think it is esp and i have noticed the lead guy out of stiff little fingers plays one as well


can anyone clear this up for me?
Not sure what it is. From first glance I'd say ESP ... but the little flat bit at the end of the head is on the top side instead of the bottom which would suggest to me something like a jackson? But then the head doesn't look pointy enough to be a jackson!

Could be wrong... I know nothing about guitars...
VeNT said:
anyone else think its strung upside down?

nope.... by looking at the first fret area everything seems normal...

I agree, the headstock shape definately points towards ESP or Jackson but the logo is definately ESP....

I've never seen that model though.
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