need help in dreamweaver / flash

22 Sep 2005
hi guys. im pretty new to web design and im finding it hard to google for thigns as i dont knwo what to google for !

i have been told abotu framesets beiefly and have made a page with my flash navigation bar int he top frame.
the nav bar works and links to all of the required pages but i cannot for the life of me get thiose pages to open in the Main Frame.

andone got any advice ?!

heres a screenie... ignore the bright colours... thats for my bennefit :)


Framesets are generally a no. As is the use of flash for navigation. Sorry :)

Read up on CSS. is recommended a lot. Lay it out using css and divs on a standard page (no frames) and use the css for navigation as well. You can make really nice effects using css alone. for a demonstration of how great css alone can look.
If you're dead-set at using frames, you have to make sure your target is set correctly. However, joeyjojo is correct. CSS is really the only thing you should be learning these days. Once you get familiar with the concept, the power is tremendous. My very first attempt at CSS/PHP resulted in this site. Now that the basics are in place, administration is a breeze. A few seconds work and the entire site can have a new colour scheme, new graphics, new links and information, new fonts and formatting, etc.

Now if I just had some creative talent to improve it. :D
hmm. css looks interesting but i just dont think i hacve the time to learn it. i need a good lookign website by november the 24th !

is there not a way to get links form flah buttons to open in the main frame ?

im a utter website noob... i really am.
i only know how to get hyperlinks to open in the main frame :(

otherwise i will ahve to goto HRML only until i have more time to learn how to do it properly
is there not a way to get links form flah buttons to open in the main frame ?
Raist said:
If you're dead-set at using frames, you have to make sure your target is set correctly.
Look at your options at the bottom of the screen. Next to the hyperlink, there is an item named "Target". From that you should be able to select the frame or document you want the url to open in. If the frame or document doesn't exist, create it.

edit: then again, flash might just destroy that idea completely.
I'd say no to flash buttons as well, reason your relying on the end user of your site having the flash plugin to be able to navigate your site - there will be plenty that don't have it and they will just leave and go elsewhere.
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