Need help planning for Austin, TX in 2012

15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
We've a hopefully epic boys trip planned for next year. Starting with the Austin GP we plan to take a 3 or 4 day road trip across to Las Vegas, party for another 3 days and then fly back. We had originally planned to do Montreal, Vegas, Austin but then they moved Austin way back in the calendar.

A fairly simply question - does anyone know the best way to get to Austin? There are no direct flights to Austin, and none that I can find to Houston or Dallas.
Both BA and Continental fly year round into George Bush Intercontinental from LHR, and BA/AA codeshare to Dallas/Fort Worth from LHR so not sure why you can't find flights.

There are plenty of other ways to get to Austin Airport, but it will involve connecting, I'd look to fly to Atlanta with Delta or Vegas with who ever and then connect onto Southwest
Surprisingly, one of the best resources I've found when travelling to places without a direct flight is Wikipedia as they have full destination listings for most (if not all) of the US airports which are normally 99% accurate.

Or another good try is a business travel firm (I know you're not on business but they'll still help you) as they are more suited to getting people to the more unusual/non-holiday destinations so have a better knowledge of routes/connections especially to the US.
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