need help - small psu :o 150w

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21 Apr 2006
Micro FSP 300w = Bang? - spam here

Hi all,

I had a phone call to see about a computer they described what has happen, when they used it last etc. So I said I shall pop round and see what’s what. Checked the cables and whatnot went to turn it on and nowt. All fine in the case but the psu is about 5x smaller than any PSU ive seen :o 150w psu

A tad miffed even if I can get one for the computer ive linked some images of the case and its content

Any idea’s on what I should do?, the way I see it, is…

Either I could say you will have to buy a new axt case as they don’t (I don’t think) they do the psu’s for this case anymore. then get an atx psu also.

Or buy an updated computer system and then transfer data to that etc.

apart from that i dont think it will handle an atx psu (to todays standards)
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Hi all,

I had to use a different supplier for the power supply I also had to get an FSP Micro ATX 300W one, I managed to get it plug it all in correctly etc. Turned on the psu and prayed, managed to get in to Windows and shutdown halfway through logging out BANG! What could be wrong with the computer to case the new psu to die? Or just a dud psu? im going to try and get a replacement anyways :)
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I’m just going through the tower slowly ive managed to borrow a standard psu from a friend so i can test this computer as the old psu died i had to replace it which i did , but that went bang also. At the moment i have RAM, Processor, Soundcard and pci modem placed in the tower and it’s beeping twice (keyboard or mouse im guessing) ive yet to connect the hard disk and cd ROMs. I still have no idea what could cause the new psu to give way any clues or tests will be helpful.
Sound's to me like the motherboard is shorting out somewhere along the line, it could be that a specific component (possibly in the power regulation circuits) is on it's way out and only manifest's itself when it's asked to do something beyond it's capabilities now.
i took it along to a mates house to see what was what , there was an irq conflict between the pci modem, and network card , placed the ram in etc, used a standard psu .. works fine... so i think it was down to a crap psu. i hope anyways.
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