Need help sorting out Colors on Windows 10 and Ultra wide Monitor

16 Jan 2013
Hey Folks i need some help

so ive managed to get the Windows 10 showing the Correct Resolution and refresh rate by using a Display port cable :)

Although the Colours seem very dull/washed out not as Vibrant as there where when i was using Windows 7 the Red especially looks bad can anyone help me been in the colour management stuff but doesn't seem to help.
Default is 50% in Win 10, most peeps set it to 52-55%.

Have you tried going into
Catalyst Control Center->My Digital Flat Panel->Display Color.
and tweaking the settings to see if that helps?

what monitor is it and what mode is it in (many have cinema, standard, game, vibrant modes)
Its the LG 34UC79G it looked great in Windows 7 just really bad in windows 10 its is Custom game mode the only thing ive changed is the Brightness.
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