need help understanding my memory

18 Oct 2002
I've read a few posts regards ram, I'm now a tad confused and need help before I buy ... I wanna go for the right option and also want to do it before ram prices go any higher.

First of all my system
P4 3.2 (800fsb)
Abit IS7
1 gig 3200 in dual mode (2x512)

As you can see I've got 2 x 512 (3200) in dual mode and everything runs sweet, I don't overclock.

I would like to go to 2 gb but don't know whether it's better to go for 2 new 1gb modules in dual mode or save some money and get another 2 sticks of 512 and use all 4 memory slots.

I like the idea of just buying the 2 new 512's, saves money but would I notice a lot of difference to my system in realworld usage .. not benchmark scores.

It's typically a gaming machine .... newest game I play is HL2-EP1 but will be getting EP2 as soon as its out and probably COD2 soon.

Thanks for all help :)

edit - having read more of the 2gb sticky I'm starting to understand ... i think ... and it's looking more like i may not actually see a big increase except for load times :confused:
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Go for the 512Mb modules.

They will be slightly slower, but you won't notice this differecne in the real world.

Get in quick, prices are on the way up!
Thanks Hussman for the input ... so it looks like 2GB in normal mode (4x512) will be more beneficial than 1GB in Dual-Mode.

I can understand that :D
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