Need help with 2 projects in the works

27 Mar 2004
Well howdy everyone.

I will get straight to the point. 2 projects. These are.

Forums for people in Newquay. A site where people in Newquay can discuss etc.

A clan website called Team Monster. This is a clan made from members of 360Monster.

I will begin with the Newquay forums first. Basically I want a front page and forums like avforums. The front page can have stuff about events and news and then with some forums.

Team Monster needs to have a very advance CMS. Calendar, blog for all the members of the clan (or news which can be a in a blog category and viewed in a blog section) and then some easy to manage forums.

If you go to you can see what I was trying to achieve. Joomla is full of bugs though and I hate the back-end which makes no sense IMO.

Also I need to know what kind of hosting package you think I should have for both of the projects. Your going to have to take a whiled guess for me. IE how many MySQL servers, bandwidth, space etc.

I'm trying to do things on the cheep as I am a student with no money. For are clan site though we are all going to chip in (about 14 of us) and pay for hosting and a domain name.

So lets here you ideas. I want to do this right and plan everything out and look at every angle. Do you think you can help?


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