Need help with a Gaming PC

6 May 2013
Hi guys,

I'd like to start by asking for your patience throughout this as my knowledge of building pc's is pretty limited.

I know this mean seem a little early but just after Christmas I intend to get a new gaming PC. As far as I'm aware there is a system where overclockers will build the system for me and I know it can generally work out cheaper to build it yourself but I cant justify to myself spending a lot of money on a PC just for me to try and build it no matter how easy it actually is.

The budget I'm looking at is no more than £1500 and again I know this is early I'm just hoping to maybe get an idea on my head of what I'm going to be getting and how much I'm going to pay for it

Any advice you guys can give would be much appreciated.

NOTE: I don't need any peripherals or monitors I already have that sorted.
Thanks to everyone for their help so far but I think i've narrowed it down and just need to some help deciding between the two, but feel free to let me know if you know a better deal.

Changed to GTX 770 with NZXT Gun Metal

or (thanks to scotsdragon)

with R9 290x 120GB samsung as primary drive and 2TB seagate as secondary

Both with Win7 64bit

If there's any changes you guys would make let me know and again thanks for your patience as my knowledge is quite limited.
Thanks a lot Scots (sorry it's hard to quote you on my tablet)... I think I will go for the system you suggested... I do have a few more quick questions though as it turns out I will be buying it in the next week or so...
1.should I go for the gtx770 or r2 290x... I've seen else where that the 290x is pretty loud.
2.since I've never bought a system from ocuk before but I'm assuming they build it and test it at the store then send me it fully built.. Just to confirm this is right
3.not so much a question but due to recent circumstances I might be actually to stretch the budget around 100ish pounds so if anyone has any further suggestions im willing to go north of the previous budget. (maybe a gtx780?)
Hey guys i'm back and id like to thank you all for all the help youve given me so far regarding my setup, thanks so much for being patient because I realise someone being somewhat abysmal here could be frustrating but I think ive come to a decision just before I get payed so I should be purchasing it next week and if you don't mind i just have a couple more questions.

So the decision i've come to is this prebuild:

And I changed:
The Primary Drive to a 120 GB Samsung SSD
The Secondary Drive to a 2TB HDD
The GPU to a GTX 780Ti
And the case to the NZXT 530 Red

Which brings the price to just over £1600 which is just about as much as I'm willing to pay since christmas is coming up and I was just hoping to get opinions on this and see what people thought, I changed my mind from the R9 290x because I read up that theres issues currently with it overheating and noise issues.

The second quick question I had was about the case and (again i apologise for being abysmal) was wondering is the NZXT Cases are considered good or if they have any bad rep because the case that Nath linked in the ultima prism(CM Storm Trooper): I actually really liked but it was a shame it wasn't an option on the prebuild I have went for.

Thats it really so thanks again for any advice you can give and I apologise for all the questions its just quite a bit of money to throw blindly at something.

EDIT: I was also curious if I go for this setup will a 600w PSU be enough to go along with it?
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Hey guys just thought i'd check in and say its pretty much sorted now

I got quoted the storm trooper case and a 650w psu along with the system i mentioned before at no extra cost and free shipping too! (aswell as AC IV , Splinter Cell and Batman AO)

Thanks for everyones help and big thanks to OCUK for the wonderful quote! I'll be ordering in the next few days.

EDIT: also upgraded to a 250GB ssd so i had a bit more room after windows
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