Need help with a spec

31 Dec 2005
My current pc is near its end and im interested in building a pc for the first time. The only problem is, there is just too much for me to choose from :D I was hoping someone on here with exp could spec me a gaming pc for around £2500-£3000 that i could use as a referal to building my new pc as im not too sure on compatibility issues between components etc.

These are what ive currently decided on what i am getting or have already got:

AMD FX57 changed to AMD Opteron UP 180 Dual Core San Diego
Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro CPU Cooler
DFI LanParty NF4 SLI-DR EXPERT (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard changed to LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D
Logitech G5 (Already Bought)
Icemat - Black 2nd Edition
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS Edition
Thermaltake PurePower 680W changed to Seasonic S12 600W
Western Digital Raptor 74GB
Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 NCQ 500GB (already bought)
Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Redline Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB)
GX-113-SP Sapphire ATI Radeon X1900 XT-X
Any suggestions to improve on the current products i have selected are greatly appreciated and so are suggestions on accessories to this new gaming rig :)

Thanks for the help chaps.

Edit: Sorry forgot to add that i am not too keen on overclocking, but it would be nice to be possible if i take an interest in it in the future.
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cheers for the input fender. Was actually considering the "Seasonic S12 600W" so i might change over to it now.

I was considering the FX60 a while ago but then i seen people saying that dual core wasnt best for gaming yet and seen a few comparison charts showing FX57 coming out on top. Since i dont know much about the processors it confused me a bit :(.

Luckily it does have 16mb :p, I dont think the WD 500gig was out when i got my hard drive or was out of stock.

I think i will be going with nvidia, is there any specific brand names (e.g. BFG, XFX) that i should stick to over the rest?
:eek: Just cutting the line finely there. Cheers for the input explicit. I am looking to gear towards nvidia, but i will be taking a look at the rest of your suggestions. Cheers for the help mate.

So dual core is good for gaming then? So ive been taking the wrong end of the stick XD.
cheers mate, just edited my main post based on the suggestions from you two (which i am really greatful for) And extra <3 for changing your post to nvidia :D.

That DFI lanparty board looks very interesting, will be adding it to my main post :) cheers.

Hoping to get more suggestions on this, as i dont want to make any decisions before i get multiple view on it. Gotta make the first time perfect ;)
hmmm, i think im swaying more towards dual core now. Should i get a FX60 over the Opteron 180 and 4800X2?

I still think i want to stick to nvidia. How does 1 7900GTX compare to the X1800XT? I would get two like explicit suggested, but i want to see how one runs first :D then upgrade if needed.
Cheers for the input again explicit and cheers for the spec monster munch.

Im deffinately going to get that AMD Opteron UP 180 now, because it looks like dual core is the way to go =). And i also added the Artic cooling freezer pro since quite a few of you recommended it. I have still got a few questions though as i am still unsure about a few things.

I am still confused on the nvidia and ati issue. I seen that ati is said to be better for games etc, but what sways me towards the nvidia is that i can use SLi in the future if i get a nvidia card and a SLi DFi board. But then its the case if i dont want to upgrade i can just get the board and ATi card monster munch suggested. Its all too confusing XD. I am also interested in hooking up my current LCD screen and a new one when i get it to have dual monitors. Is it possible to go about that with just one gfx card?

Also another thing that has been confusing me (might make a post in the memory section tomorrow) is what kind of ram to get. All i know of what to get is to make sure its 2gig dual channel kit. But all this timings and HTT stuff is confusing :P. not to mention how much choice of brands there is lol. Is OCZ the best brand out there?

Is that Tsunami Dream case a reliable/popular case? i had a dilemma over choosing a case ages ago when i was going to get a new case. It was between Coolermaster Stacker

I really dont mind spending my entire budget on the pc, and maybe pushing it over it by £500. It will be my first upgrade so i want everything to be perfect and hopefully do me for another few years before forcing me to upgrade again :P

And i better stop asking too many questions instead of reading section stickies before i annoy you lot off reading the topic :D
Thanks for clearing that up explicit. So im going to have to think long and hard about the case and gfx card. I really like the look of the ocz and its timings :D. But see that "Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Redline Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit" would i be able to use it on that DFI LanParty NF4 SLI-DR EXPERT as it says it only supports up to pc3200/400mhz. And if i can, what you said in your last post, did that mean they would not make any difference?
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So i take it the mushkin route would be best then, as it will run the same as the OCZ 2-3-2 for now, and excell even better if i decide to overclock down the line. I Think it will be one of my choices now :). Although, sorry for asking but what is a divider? lol

So is sli and DFI boards unstable? And no my current pc is only PC2700 ram
sorry i was talking about the 3200 OCZ ram, never noticed the 4000 ones :D. If they are the same price and good brand, ill just have to go for looks then, which will have to be red, im hoping to get a red/black theme going :).
ive decided to be spontaneous and try ATi for a first. So im just going to go with the "LANPARTY UT nF4 Ultra-D" mobo as it seems to be just the same as the "DFI LanParty NF4 SLI-DR EXPERT" except without all the SLi features, 4 less SATA connections and a 4pin on something instead of a 8pin (cant remember, too tired and closed webpage lol). If im wrong on there being little difference between these boards please correct me :P.

Now, which ATi card to get, im open to suggestions for certain brands and models :). And i really like the one Monster Munch has suggested, and its really within my range too as i dont want to go over £400 for a gfx card just yet :D.

NN chaps, and cheers for helping me getting this far, its really appreciated, and im really excited to be ordering it soon :D
ah, nice one, i think ill just stick with the sapphire one then. Not much left now. Just the case and a few odd bits and bobs.

updated the main post with the ATi setup :)

I Personally have to thank you guys for helping me get this far, especially explicit and Monster Munch. I think im just going to post in the relevant sections for the little things i have left to choose. But thanks a lot chaps and ill let you know how i get on when i get round to ordering it and building it :P

Sorry for bumping this but i was sorting out the car insurance to see how much i had left for the pc before deciding on anything, and it turns out i have more than i expected to. So i was wondering if anyone could suggest anything else i should get with the below, or something from below i should upgrade?

AMD Opteron UP 180 Dual Core San Diego
Icemat - Black 2nd Edition
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS Edition
Seasonic S12 600W
Western Digital Raptor 150GB
Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Redline Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB)
GX-113-SP Sapphire ATI Radeon X1900 XT-X
Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro CPU Cooler
Akasa eclipse
120mm akasa amber
Few cathodes and that to light the case (dunno which ill get yet)
Saitek Eclipse special red edition (when its out)

Logitech G5 (Already Bought)
Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 NCQ 500GB (already bought)

I also wanted to know is all of the above compatible and would it run fine without overclocking? Dont want to overclock it until i read up on it :D. Sorry for asking this again but i really want to make sure my system is 100% safe and happiness guarnteed before i order :D.

Thanks for the help so far guys, its been really great and appreciated.
yea i was originally go for that, but everyone on here seems to be positive towards opteron. Only problem is i cant find review on it. The reviews only come up as the codename: denmark and not san diego :(.
Monstermunch said:
All the 1mb cache per core dual core chips are basically Dual Core San Diego chips. The codename has nothing really to do with the actual core name. If you're looking for benchmarks on the dual core opterons then look for "TOLEDO"

So basically Denmark and san diego are the same thing, and its all good as long as it says 2mb L2 cache? sorry, got a bit confused on that lol
Monstermunch said:
Yea basically Denmark is just a name, which isn't programmed into the chips. The dual core San Diego's are Toledo cores

Ah cheers, ill get the denmark one then :) . I was just afraid of something going horribly wrong and it being a lower spec version of the san diego one or something like that. Worry too much tbh :D

Cheers monstermunch for clearing that one.

Now to decide what accessories and that to get. Should be fun :D
SiriusB said:
Woah... massive budget there mate and one hell of a spec... I think with what you have left you could probably afford one of these too


Alternatively you could give the change to me :D


Cheers and dont know if i could ever have enough data to fill all that lol.

What are you going to give me in return? Dancing semi-nakid is the minimum i will take :D
Ok, but you have to jump out of a massive present box :D

Also lads, still need help with the following :(

Slyman2k4 said:
So i was wondering if anyone could suggest anything else i should get with the below, or something from below i should upgrade?

AMD Opteron UP 180 Dual Core San Diego
Icemat - Black 2nd Edition
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty FPS Edition
Seasonic S12 600W
Western Digital Raptor 150GB
Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Redline Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB)
GX-113-SP Sapphire ATI Radeon X1900 XT-X
Arctic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro CPU Cooler
Akasa eclipse
120mm akasa amber
Few cathodes and that to light the case (dunno which ill get yet)
Saitek Eclipse special red edition (when its out)

Logitech G5 (Already Bought)
Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 NCQ 500GB (already bought)

I also wanted to know is all of the above compatible and would it run fine without overclocking? Dont want to overclock it until i read up on it :D. Sorry for asking this again but i really want to make sure my system is 100% safe and happiness guarnteed before i order :D.

Thanks for the help so far guys, its been really great and appreciated.

Ill get the ball rolling. Should i get a fan for the gfx card? and if so which one?
ah right cheers monster, might just leave it then until i start overclocking. Might start ordering my parts today. :D

Edit: sorry, still not sure if it will all be compatible? also should i get some of that artic 5 stuff for the cpu?
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